DESOBODY contains the active ingredient sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid), a synthetic form of a substance that your body makes and uses to absorb fat (bile salt). DESOBODY is FDA approved, and  is safer, more effective, and more comfortable than other, older fat dissolvers on the market such as AQUALYX, due to the removal of phosphatidylcholine.

What is DESOBODY®️?

DESOBODY®️ is the next innovative generation of ‘fat dissolvers’ designed to treat and reduce localised ‘pockets’ of fat. 

How is DESOBODY®️ Different?

DESOBODY®️ is the newest body fat dissolving injection formula available on the market. It contains the active ingredient sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid) which is a special, medical detergent FDA approved to break down fat cells and have been shown to be safer, more effective and more comfortable than other, older fat dissolvers on the market such as AQUALYX. 

For example, it was long thought that s substance – phosphatidylcholine – was responsible for breaking down fat cells. This substance is still present in older ‘fat dissolving’ brands; however, recent research and studies show that it is deoxycholic acid – not phosphatidylcholine – that is responsible for the reduction of adipose tissue

What is the difference between DESOFACE®️ + DESOBODY®️?

​DESOFACE®️ is designed for the face, whereas DESOBODY®️ is designed for the body. The concentration of the active substance within the products differs to offer a customised, safe result.

What is the active ingredient in DESOBODY®️?

The active substance that ‘dissolves’ the fat is deoxycholic acid. This is a synthetic form of a substance your body makes that helps to absorb fats.

How does​ DESOBODY®️ work?

Deoxycholic acid acts on the membrane of fat cells via a mechanism of action known as ‘cell lysis’ (breaking down the cell), literally destroying the cells and solubilising cellular and membrane components. The destroyed fat cells are then broken down and removed naturally from the body via the lymphatic system.

What areas or conditions can be treated?

DESOBODY®️ is used on the body, to improve, slim and contour areas that are generally resistant to exercise. These include:

  • Abdomen (upper / lower stomach fat – NON-SURGICAL TUMMY TUCK)

  • Love Handles

  • Saddlebags

  • Cellulite

  • Lipomas

  • Upper arms (bingo wings)

  • Buffalo hump (accumulation of fat in the dorsocervical fat pad)

  • Underarm bra fat

  • Stubborn fat pockets resistant to exercise and diet, such as lower abdomen following childbirth

How many treatments do I need?

2-4 sessions at 4-6 weekly intervals is generally needed, depending on the area(s)  treated and the amount of fat in each area. Depending on the amount of fatty tissue present, sometimes a single treatment is enough.

How long do the results last?

Destruction of the targeted fat cells is permanent. As long as you then follow a healthy lifestyle and maintain – or lose, rather than gain weight – between treatment sessions and thereafter you will retain your results. 

Are the results instant?

The process by which the active substance destroys the fat cells – and also for your body to remove them, takes a little time as your body slowly metabolises and expels the released lipids from the destroyed fat cells. Every client is different, but you can expect to start to see results 3-4 weeks after 1-2 treatments with the final effect approximately eight weeks following your treatment. 

How long does the treatment take?

Depends upon the area(s) being treated. Under the chin takes around 30 minutes, whereas treating the abdomen or thighs may take a little longer.

Is the treatment painful?

The procedure itself is painless. After 15 minutes, you may experience  itching, redness and mild swelling of the treated area(s) – this is because the product is starting to disrupt the fat cells so they release their contents which results in inflammatory necrosis of the cell and reduction in the size of adipocytes (fat cells). Therefore, this initial swelling and redness it is perfectly normal and even expected.

Any redness and discomfort should disappear after around 2 hours. During the next few weeks, there may be sensitivity when the treated fatty tissue is pressed. 

Is there anything I should – or shouldn’t do – prior to the treatment?

We advise you not to drink alcohol or take Ibuprofen within the preceding 24 hours of your appointment, as this can increase the risk of bruising.

Is there anything I should – or shouldn’t do – after the treatment?

  • Do not massage the treated area for 48 hours following treatment

  • Some clients prefer to keep the treated areas well supported. Light compression garments can be purchased cheaply on the high street (we will advise of you of where to get these in clinic). Alternatively, we can supply garments (there will be a fee for this if needed).

  • If you have bruised, do NOT expose the area to UV light until all bruising is gone (around 2 weeks)

  • Do NOT use a sauna for 2 weeks

  • Do NOT have any other treatment(s) on the area for at least 2 weeks

person standing on white digital bathroom scale
topless woman with black panty

Any risks or side effects?

Most common risks and side effects are associated with injection of the product itself – that is, slight discomfort and a possible slight ‘burning’ sensation.

Any initial redness and discomfort should disappear after around 2 hours, although mild discomfort may persist for 48 hours. Swelling, tenderness, redness, and bruising in the area may persist for several days. 

Bruising is frequent.

Bruises / red patches may feel ‘hot’. This is normal, and isn’t any cause for concern unless you are otherwise unwell.

During the next few weeks, there may be sensitivity when the treated fatty tissue is pressed. 

Less than 10% of patients report transient nodules. These do not require treatment or intervention and will spontaneously resolve within one month.

Extremely rare side effects

There is a theoretical risk of infection, but this is extremely rare due to the aseptic technique used during the procedure. It has never occurred.

Allergic reaction – the risk of this is less than 0.002%.

Irregularities – the risk of this is less than 0.03%.

Parasthesia / dysesthesia – the risk of this is less than 0.01%

Hyperpigmentation – the risk of this is less than 0.002%

Permanent nodules – the risk of this is less than 0.005%

Skin necrosis – the risk of this is less than 0.0076%

topless man in blue denim jeans
a person holding a plate with a sandwich on it

Is there anyone who can’t have DESOBODY?

You cannot have DESOBODY if:

  • You are pregnant.

  • You are breastfeeding.

  • You are under 18 years of age.

  • You are allergic to soy or vitamin B.

  • You have any hormonal disease

  • You have any organ disease

  • You suffer from cross reactivity towards self antigens

  • You have any acute, active infection(s)

Is DESOBODY®️ suitable for me?

Our clinician will advise as to whether DESOBODY is suitable for you. There must be more than 3cm of ‘pinchable’ fat in the area(s) to be treated.

Is there anything else I need to know?

DESOBODY is a prescription only medication and therefore a consultation prior to the day of treatment is required. You can book a consultation below.

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