The accurate placement of an appropriately selected hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler at the mandibular angle, in the chin and the peri-jowl region can recreate an aesthetically youthful and structured jawline. When considering lower third treatments, I would recommend revolumising the upper and middle thirds of the face first, providing superior volumetric support to the jawline. The key areas to consider are the temples, cheeks and preauricular regions.

It is important to recreate the angular contours as the face transitions inferiorly from the jawline to the neck. In contrast to the mid-face, where soft transitions make for the aesthetical ideal, the jawline should demonstrate relatively sharp and angular transitions to the neck, as a sharp jawline frames the lower third of the face.

To create this look, I use a high G prime filler to accentuate desired angulations and shadowing. Furthermore, filler with good soft tissue integration is required to provide elevation and superior support. 

Jawline sculpting can be divided into three main treatment subunits: the angle of the mandible, the chin and the peri-jowl region.


Some people feel they have a disproportionately small chin in relation to the rest of the features of their face. Dermal fillers can be injected into the chin to lengthen it to achieve the perfect proportion. It can also move the chin forwards or downwards to create the perfect ratio between the nose, lips and chin. Dermal fillers on the chin can also be used to fill wrinkles and folds making the appearance of the chin more aesthetically pleasing. ​
​If you feel that your chin is not as prominent as you’d like, or you find that is flattening and causing more prominent double chin, we provide non-surgical solutions to redefining and reshaping your chin to give you a better profile and balance. We can use expertly placed dermal filler to re-create a chin prominence without the need to undergo costly, difficult surgery.


Some people can have a sagging jawline which can be a sign of ageing. Others may genetically have an under formed or weak jawline which can greatly affect confidence. A defined jawline is a very desirable look, and a strong jawline can be the most striking feature of a person’s appearance. ​
Dermal filler can be used to stiffen the skin on a jawline and define the chin and jowl area, decreasing the weakness of an undesirable jawline. Dermal filler to the jaw can also give a face lift effect by improving the definition.


A small chin and weak jaw line often result in facial imbalance that results in a less attractive and weak appearance. Filler to the Chin and Jawline may provide more facial balance and harmony. Chin deficiency is usually apparent on looking at a person’s side profile, where the chin should align with a vertical line drawn through the philtre (junction between nose and upper lip). Deep uses fillers to enhance facial balance and proportions. In addition there can additional changes in the chin enhance by ageing including a more prominent chin crease below the lips caused by ageing including a more prominent chin crease below the lips caused by tissue loss and sagging skin, this can lead to more sagging soon, resulting in a dimpled appearance of the chin or a ‘witchy chin look’

Chin Filler provides the face with improved proportions and defines the jaw so thet facial features are in better harmony. It can be done non-surgically with the use of fillers. Chin filler offers a non-invasive, non-surgical chin augmentation treatment that’s quick, safe and effective for a natural, balanced aesthetic appearance. Filler injections to the cheeks can restore lost volume, correct volume loss and create a fuller, more youthful appearance. In addition, fillers can be used to enhance natural curves and emphasise feminine parts of the female face and masculine parts of the male face. 

Deep and his team will use a numbing local anaesthesia cream to reduce discomfort from the procedure. After this, a small anaesthetic injection is applied in the already numb area. The dermal filler is then used to augment the Chin and Jawline.At Deep Aesthetics, we use ‘Fast-Healing’ techniques that utilise a Cannula to administer the filler for most patients, this results in much less swelling and bruising than older needle based techniques.

Additionally, dermal fillers can be used on other facial areas at the same time as on the cheeks to give an enhanced natural result. Deep can provide natural looking results and common areas for filler enhancement include the cheeks, chin & jawline, nasolabial folds, eye area (tear trough), the nose and lip enhancement.

You can expect to see relatively ‘Instant Results’ with our filler treatments. There will be minor swelling after the filler treatment that for most patients resolves over night, more rarely there can be mild swelling for 5-days (in approximately 5%). There is a small possibility, <2% of a minor bruise, this will resolve over a few days. In most cases, the final results of cheek fillers will be evident approximately 5-days after the swelling subsides. And with our techniques and filler choice will last 18 – 24 months, although results may vary patient to patient.


At Deep Aesthetics, we specialise in natural looking results. We believe in a natural augmentation of the chin area. At Deep Aesthetics, we have treated many patients and models with these techniques to enhance natural beauty, a term we describe as Beautification of the Face, enhancing the natural Phi Golden Ratio Lines. Of Key importance with Filler rejuvenation is avoiding excessive filler use as this no longer looks natural or beautiful, Key is application of filler in specific areas of the face that differ on each individual’s facial characteristics. The application of Chin Filler is different in masculine and feminine faces, in women is focused along the Phi Golden Ratio lines of the cheek, in men is focus along the lines of the chin and jaw line. If you have already had treatment that has been excessive it may be necessary to dissolve the existing filler or wait for the filler to resolve. Deep Aesthetics specialises in natural looking results.

We use a combination of treatments to minimise discomfort, these include the use of powerful numbing local anaesthetic cream. We use state-of-the-art Cannula (no-needle) technique to minimise discomfort. We use fillers that have incorporated anaesthetic into the injectable fillers to increase patient comfort. At Deep Aesthetics we use additional numbing and vibration devices that use the Nobel Prize winning research on ‘The Gate Control Theory of Pain’ to minimise discomfort. At Deep Aesthetics, we take the above measures to ensure most patients only experience minor discomfort. 

Studies on safety of fillers have reported filler treatments as relatively safe with few side effects when completed by trained specialists. Recorded adverse events are usually minor including temporary injection site redness, swelling, discomfort, lumps-bumpy changes, bruising, itching or change in colour. Infection is very rare. At Deep Aesthetic, all treatments are completed in our clinics in Nottingham and London. Serious side effects such as damage to skin (termed Necrosis) or damage to vision have very rarely been reported. Fillers are currently lacking form regulation, which remains a controversy in the UK. Precautions can be taken with competent practitioners to avoid these serious complications.

We use a combination of treatments to focus on a natural rejuvenation that is both safe and long lasting. Over the last five years, fillers have become more and more popular as both the quality of the filler product has reached new levels of quality and safety, in addition our techniques and skills at using them has matured with experience. At Deep Aesthetics, we believe that there are certain products that are associate with higher risks of issues, including permanent and semi-permanent fillers, as in some patients this can result in long-term issues. In addition a number of highly marked products have shown to have minimal results, many patients have presented to us disappointed by the lack of results from treatments including Thermage, Ultherapy and thread lifts.

Jawline & Chin Overview

Some people can have a sagging jawline which can be a sign of ageing. Others may genetically have an under formed or weak jawline which can greatly affect confidence. A defined jawline is a very desirable look, and a strong jawline can be the most striking feature of a person’s appearance. 

Dermal filler can be used to stiffen the skin on a jawline and define the chin and jowl area, decreasing the weakness of an undesirable jawline. Dermal filler to the jaw can also give a face lift effect by improving the definition.

Why? Weak chin, Facial Imbalance
How? Longer acting HA-Fillers, Apply Phi Golden Ratio to give Natural results
Safety? Gold Standard FDA-Approved fillers, Cannula ‘No-Needle Technique’ Facial Specialists Expertises
Duration? 12-18 months (exact duration varies from person to person)
Pain? Special topical Anaesthesia, Cannula Technique, Minimal discomfort
Risks? Mild redness, swelling (1-5 days), rarely bruising, very rarely infection
Recovery? Most patients normal activity next day 



Pictures of patients, before and immediately after treatment.

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