IV vitamins allows 100% of the vitamins, fluids and electrolytes to enter directly into the bloodstream compared to traditional tablets where only approximately 70% is absorbed, thus aiding faster recovery.

An IV drip usually takes just 30-45 minutes and its beneficial effects are felt almost immediately.

When you’re sick, dehydrated, or just run down…the last thing you want is to do is travel to receive treatment. That is why we come to you. Through telephone consultation one of our licensed doctors will consult with you prior to your treatment to vet suitability. Then, one of our nurses will come and administer the IV which is specially formulated to relieve the condition you’re suffering from, or deliver the wellness treatment you desire.

Our IV Vitamin Drips

High Dose Vitamin C
Mega Multivitamin
Skin Brightening (Glutathione + Vitamin C)
Energy Booster
Athlete Pro
Anti-Ageing NAD+
Hair Nourishment
Beauty 3-in-1
Mood Booster
Weight Loss
Supervit VIP

All Treatments Vetted by Professionals

Insured medical professionals
Group discounts
Same day/ urgent appointments available
All practitioners wear full PPE (face mask, gloves, scrubs)


Frequently Asked Questions

Intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy is an effective method of delivering and absorbing key nutrients via your veins. Because these nutrients are injected, we’re bypassing the gastrointestinal system, so nutrients are 100% absorbed by the bloodstream, where they can be immediately utilised.

While a diet in whole natural foods is very important for optimal health, because of farming practices and availability, it is hard to get all the nutrients we need from our food supply. IV nutrients can bridge that gap and boost health and wellness.

Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molec
There is a “cocktail” for nearly any condition,IV nutrient therapy supports:

Athletic performance
Chronic fatigue and brain fog
Energy improvement
Headaches and migraine
Improved immunity


When taken orally, only a fraction (20-40% or less) of the essential nutrients are absorbed due to a variety of factors: unhealthy diet, insufficient essential nutrients, widespread prevalence of gastrointestinal problems, chronic illness and more. With IV nutrient therapy, 100% of the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can immediately be used by your body.

The temporary discomfort from placing the IV in is far outweighed by the benefits you’ll see with IV nutrient therapy. We have a trained registered nurse (RN) or medical professional administering the IV, so you won’t be poked unnecessarily!

Depending on the “cocktail” you select, they can last between 30-90 minutes to infuse. The difference in infusion rate depends on the total fluid amount and the viscosity of the “cocktail” infusing.

Your hands will be free so you can relax, listen to music, read or do your work while you receive your IV nutrient therapy. Feel free to bring your device and headphones.

Benefits can be seen after the first session, and with regular treatments, safe and lasting effects can be achieved.