One of the key traits for men when they present to our clinic for aesthetic treatment is to typically look less tired and more handsome and masculine.

Looking less tired is a priority as it makes a man look more strong, more masculine, more dominant and more powerful. 

That tends to happen to men typically from the age of 40 onwards. 

The symptoms of tiredness tend to arise in males typically around the eye area. Beyond those issues of looking tired, the other complaint often is sagging. Any sagging in the jawline or sub-mental region again is a negative as it compromises the integrity of the Jawline strength and therefore de-masculines them

Our goal is to beautify and masculinize our male patients and make them look more attractive, and to some extent, make them look more younger, and even make them look a little bit more dominant and in some cases with young men inparticularly, looking more dangerous as opposed to looking more innocent, baby faced and boyish

The Male cheek is a real important issue, men should have cheek bones in the zygoma, good strong and prominent cheekbone projection, but they shouldn’t have medial cheek fullness as this makes them look more feminised and softer

The Ratio for the Lower Half of the Male: 1 Quarter, 3 Quarters.

The way we elongate the lower third is by pushing the chin down by injecting into the labial mental crease, and by extending the chin here at the apex of the later margins. The male chin should be the same width as his mouth, and if we draw a vertical line upwards from the corners of the mouth, it should bisect his medial limbic line, which is does perfectly, but look at the width of his chin, it’s too narrow, so we want to widen him to around ‘this point’ which means we will be using a high molecular strength Hyaluronic acid filler to give him structures support and anterior projection.


If we turn you slightly, we can get an oblique view, look at his jawline, so, he has a hill, a valley at the pre-masseteric notch, a slight hill here in the jowl, a depression in the pre jowl sulcus, and he has another hill here at the chin. ​ Due to this wondering jawline, he’s not consistent enough to be linear, so we need to work on this axis by using Volux to make him straighter. This will also address the sub-mental excess here


The Male cheek is a real important issue, men should have cheek bones in the zygoma, good strong and prominent cheekbone projection, but they shouldn’t have medial cheek fullness as this makes them look more feminised and softer. So try avoid injecting the mid-cheek too much and focus on injecting into the lateral part of the face.

Sexual Dimorphic features


1. Always preserve super orbital prominence in a man

2. Just as a Male should have strong muscles in their body, they should also have strong muscles here in the temporalis. So temporalis fullness, we can see here he has a concavity, so we need to makesure he is projected in his temporal fossa. 

3. That his cheekbone is beautifully defined, his zygoma, but that we don’t project the Male cheek more medial then the lateral brow line. 

4. The Male should not have any tiredness of the eyes, so we want to try and eliminate any kind of dark circle

5. He shouldn’t have sagging here in the medial cheek so we want to try and lift that

6. To make his jawline strong, we need to connect all the hills by deleting the valleys. We project in the areas where he has become weak. 

7. The angle of the female mandible should be at 90-94 degrees, the angle in a male should be more square, and in a woman more open. So in a man, it makes sense to inject on the perpendicular point (lower margin) but also onto the inferior boarder of the mandible so that we can drop his angle down and therefore make him more squarer. It’s just a question of orientation. 

8. Strong fullness at the masseter


Pictures of patients, before and immediately after the masculinisation.

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