Morpheus 8

Bipolar radio fractional (RF) micro-needling for skin tightening and contouring.


At a glance

How does Morpheus 8 Work?

RF energy delivered through microscopic needles that are silicone protected to allow the RF energy to be delivered to the tip of the pin. This protects the upper layers of the skin such as the epidermis and dermis and delivers the heat to the sub derma fat to cause coagulation and shrink wrapping & tightening within.  

There are very little side effects as the heat is delivered to the sub derma layer and not on the surface of the skin.

What is happening to my skin as a I age and why is Morpheus8 the right fit for me

Frequently Asked Questions

There is always going to be some form of discomfort, however Morpheus8 is unique in how it dissipates the RF energy away from the target it has just treated. The discomfort is far less than traditional RF micro needling devices

Results can be seen pretty immediately to 2 days after treatment. For best results and longevity we recommend 3 treatments at 6 weeks intervals.

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