Observe is a skin scanner that allows us to look at the skin in six or eight different lights and visualise inflammation, sun damage, pores, texture. Based on the analysis we create a bespoke plan . This is complimentary when a patient books an in clinic appointment.
The Observe Scanner allows us to visualise texture and sun damage beneath the skin surface that is not visible yet on the surface. Sun damage visible on the skin is like the tip of the ice berg, and is always worse under the skin, taking time to make its way to the surface. This enables our patients to see what damage has been done and where to focus their goals on.
Suite 5 Scott House, Admirals Way,
London E14 9UG
The White House, Station Road,
Nottingham NG15 7UD
© 2017 by Deep Aesthetics
Deep Aesthetics Ltd. Company Number: 10770424 | Registered Office: 9 Blundell Close, Nottingham, United Kingdom, NG3 3BW